
NurulQuran invites you all to join us in this Special SHORT COURSE in ENGLISH PONDER OVER QURAN
Explanation of Juz 30 [Surah Naba till Surah Naas] with KitabuTahweed
Register Today https://forms.gle/QpHpxAzfBA5FKuV4A You can also register by text or call +44 7932 078790
Starting from Sun 23rd May 2021 Every Sunday 10:30am-12pm
Course Fee : one time £25 only You can pay in following bank account directly [*Fee concession offered to eligible students.]
Sort code 20-92-63
Account # 23752321
Barclays Bank
Reference: Fee TQ-English
The course will be online at
Zoom (link will be provided ONLY for Registered Students)
Join this course and establish a strong relationship with Allah Almighty – our Creator by podering over Juz 30.