Ramadan 2024
Ramadan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it.”
Alhamdulillah NurulQuran is offering an amazing opportunity this Ramadan to increase scale of Good Deeds.
NurulQuran in collaboration with Sufra will be collecting for FOOD PARCELS to be distributed to those in desperate situations in the Brent area in shaa Allaah!. The need is much greater now than ever and these food parcels are distributed personally by Sufra
You can get involved in TWO ways! 👇🏼
1- Physical Donation – PLEASE SEE PICTURE
2- Monetary donation– If you can’t buy the items, we’ll buy them for you!!
Bank details 👇🏼
Sort code 20-92-63
Account # 23752321
Barclays Bank
ONLY FROM 9th march till 1st April
(Please contact 07534 856243 to finalise within the given dates and time)
The Prophet ﷺ said about charity in many Ahadeeth including the Saheeh Hadeeth: “Shield yourselves from Hellfire even by giving half a date in charity.”
Ramadan Project 2023 Updates
FOOD PARCELS: Alhamdullilah, on Wednesday 17th April 2023, were able to go to SUFRA with a dedicated team of volunteers with donations/food items! in cold chilly weather. Our very hard-working volunteers were able to make up to 24 big food parcel boxes for Sufra’s overwhelming list of people who need them AND with your generous donations, we were able to replenish some of Sufra’s food items that will go into future food parcels.
This year we were able to collaborate with Salma Food Bank in Birmingham and were able to make food boxes on 19th April 2023.
It was an incredible team effort and we are so grateful for this opportunity to Allaah Subhanahu wa t’ala first and then to our amazing volunteers for their commitment and effort.May Allah Almighty accept from all and give us taufeeq to do more in future ameen.
Projects Year 2022
Winter Project 2022 Updates
FOOD PARCELS: Alhamdullilah, on Wednesday 14th Dec 2022, were able to go to SUFRA with a dedicated team of volunteers with donations/food items! in cold chilly weather. Our very hard-working volunteers were able to make up to 50 food parcel crates for Sufra’s overwhelming list of people who need them AND with your generous donations, we were able to replenish some of Sufra’s food items that will go into future food parcels. It was an incredible team effort and we are so grateful for this opportunity to Allaah Subhanahu wa t’ala first and then to our amazing volunteers for their commitment and effort.May Allah Almighty accept from all and give us taufeeq to do more in future ameen.
Alhamdullilah with the help of amazing sisters we were able to deliver 220 hot meals for the coming winter weeks for those tackling food poverty. These meals will be provided to families directly by Sufra.
“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good”Quran 2:195
UPDATE-NQ FOOD PARCELS in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2022
Alhamdullilah, on Friday 29th April 2022, were able to go to SUFRA with a dedicated team of volunteers with 3 cars full of donations/food items! Our very hard-working volunteers were able to make up to 60 food parcel crates for Sufra’s overwhelming list of people who need them AND with your generous donations, we were able to replenish some of Sufra’s food items that will go into future food parcels. It was an incredible team effort and we are so grateful for this opportunity to Allaah Subhanahu wa t’ala first and then to our amazing volunteers for their commitment and effort.May Allah Almighty accept from all and give us taufeeq to do more in future ameen.

NQ – HOT MEALS PROJECT- DAY 2 UPDATE in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2022
Alhamdullilah our final day is completed with our Hot Meals Project!!
With the permission of Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and the amazing help of our volunteers, who cooked amazing meals with so much sincerity and excellence and the ones who collected and delivered the food, we were able to provide 160 more Hot Meals (total 320 meals so far) to Sufra to be distributed to those who need it.
We feel so blessed to be able to do this in this virtuous and blessed month! Alhamdullilah
May Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala reward every single person who contributed in any way and make their rewards increased by tenfolds and their status elevated aameen!
Our next Project with SUFRA is to provide FOOD PARCELS for those tackling food proverty, DETAILS TO FOLLOW

NQ – HOT MEALS PROJECT- DAY 1 UPDATE in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2022
Alhamdullilah our first day is completed with our Hot Meals Project. With the permission of Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and the amazing help of our volunteers, who cooked amazing meals and the ones who collected and delivered the food, we were able to provide 160 Hot Meals to Sufra to be distributed to those who need it. Alhamdullilah today, 160 stomachs will go to sleep full.

HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2022
Alhamdullilah once again Nurulquran is collaborating with Charity Organisation Sufra in the Blessed month of Ramadan to provide Hot Meals for people fighting food poverty in the community of Brent!
Join us in this extremely rewardable venture in this virtuous month by providing food for those who don’t know where their next meal will come from
You can get involved in 3 ways
1- You can cook the food (we will provide you with the boxes, allergen stickers and reimbursement if needed or you can put your share as a charity)
2- Pick and drop, you can pick the hot meals from an allocated location to drop off at Sufra (near Ikea, Brent)
3- Monetary donations, to cover the costs of any reimbursements, food or what the project requires.
Bank details
Sort code 20-92-63
Account # 23752321
Barclays Bank
To get involved, fill in an easy registration form and we will send further updates in shaa Allaah! Click here to fill in the form
The hot meals will be provided to many people this year, especially those who have been referred to Sufra’s hot meal resource. This includes many many elderly people and people who cannot cook nor benefit from food parcels (those with disabilities, including mental and developmental disabilities as well as physical and those who don’t have access to kitchens).- These meals will be provided to both Muslims and Non-Muslims, not only is it a GREAT act of Da’wah but also helps break the fast of those fasting = REWARD!
“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good”
Quran 2:195
Projects Year 2021
UPDATE-HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of DHULHIJJAH 2021
By End of Dhulhijjah – With our recent collection in the blessed and beautiful days of Dhul Hijjah, we were once again able to partner up with Sufra (registered charity organisation) in tackling food poverty in the community of Brent.
Through your generosity we were able to provide 2 special meals for Eid (a total of 150 hot meals) along with 2 additional days with 60 hot meals each day, Alhamdullilah!! we were able to provide 270 Hotmeals altoghether for those struggling immensely.
May Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala reward every person who donated, contributed in any way and even gave lovely duaas, aameen!
HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of DHULHIJJAH
Alhamdullilah, we are in the BEST days of Dhul Hijjah and we have an AMAZING charitable (sadaqah) opportunity for you.
Following the success and completion of our Ramadan collaboration with the Charity Organisation Sufra in helping provide hot evening meals for people in Ramadan! We have once again taken these blessed days to provide special hot meals in celebration of Eid Ul Adha for those struggling and facing food poverty!
You can help with a monetary donation to help cover the costs of this project in the details below
Account name – Nurulquran
Sort code – 20-92-63
Account #- 23752321
Barclays Bank
– These meals will be provided to both Muslims and Non-Muslims, not only is it a GREAT act of Da’wah, but it’s also abundant reward in making ease for someone by providing food
We are only collecting donations for this project till 18/07/21 so we can provide the food on the assigned days
“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good”
Quran 2:195
FINAL UPDATE-HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2021
Mid Ramadan UPDATE-HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2021
As of today (03/05/21) we have provided 520 hot meals since the beginning of Ramadan to Sufra to distribute to those who lack food security, Alhamdullilah.
In the next few remaining days of Ramadan we will be providing 300 more meals with your immense efforts and very generous donations for this cause!
May Allaah Subhanahu wa ta’ala reward every person who donated, contributed in any way and even gave lovely duaas, aameen!
HOT MEALS Project in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 2021
Alhamdullilah, we are in the BEST month of Ramadan and we have an AMAZING charitable (sadaqah) opportunity for you.
Nurulquran is teaming up with the Charity Organisation Sufra in helping provide hot evening meals for people in the month of Ramadan! Sufra helps provide 1000 meals a week to those who are in financial difficulty, homeless and unable to cook for themselves.
Want to be part of it?
1- You can help with cooking some of the hot meals (in the comfort of your own homes) to distribute to the community on designated days (Once or twice a week)
2- You can pick up the hot meals from those who have cooked and deliver them to the premises (in Brent) on designated days (Once or twice a week)
3- You can help with a monetary donation to help cover the costs of this project in the details below👇🏼
Account name – Nurulquran
Sort code – 20-92-63
Account #- 23752321
Barclays Bank
– Nurulquran UK will cover the costs of the cooking ingredients (Meat, rice etc) however if you wish to cover the cost as a Sadaqah act in this beautiful month, you can.
– These meals will be provided to both Muslims and Non-Muslims, not only is it a GREAT act of Da’wah but also helps break the fast of those fasting = REWARD! 🌟
If you want to volunteer and put your share in this amazing opportunity, please message on 07950745720 or 07979893594
“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good”
Quran 2:195
Helping the community 2020 project
Nurulquran (Registered Charity) is offering a FREE shopping assistance and food service to all those who are currently in self isolation and affected by COVID-19
*Our services are for ????????
• 65+ aged members of our society in self isolation
• People in self isolation due to suspected Corona virus or underlying health issues.
• Families who cannot afford basic necessities due to financial constriction
*What we are offering ????????
• Shopping assistance for essential items
• Aid and assistance in getting food items to people affected
• Personal support and guidance to be able to deal with this difficult time[/callout]

Many families have benefitted from our work greatly and none of it would have been possible on this scale if it had not been for the platform of Nurulquran, it’s teachings and it’s raising awareness of just how much needs to be done and how much potential we have to help others, including ourselves.